Monday, October 29, 2007
From Trevor,
This is very inciteful as to what Google is doing with this acquisition of Doubleclick.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Look what happened today!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Deadline has passed..turn in ASAP!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Presenting.... WHA????
Posting Research ishh...
See ya in class!
G History posted to Bb
We need to start discussing some ideas for the presentation.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Google History Research
2007 - Google owns a LOT
2008 - Google owns me and you, and everyone else in the classroom
2009 - Google owns the world
Read more at Bb tomorrow...
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Formatting our research
Hey guys,
Hope everybody's having a great weekend!
I started writing my Google research up in paragraph form, like a research paper, when I realized that I was probably making this harder on myself and for the folks who are pulling everything together in the end. I'm sure that we all have very different writing writing styles, so the end product folks will be applying their own style to all of the research in order to make a consistent-feeling project write up. It seems like that would be easier to do if all of the information was in note form... bullets maybe, rather than paragraph form. It would also be faster to write up the research in bullets. It would be a lot faster to find the key points and to determine what works together vs what doesn't and then apply your own style to final write-up. If the bullet uses a quote then use parenthetical citation in the bullet and list the sources at the end in APA format.
What do you guys think?
Oh, on another note, I emailed google corporate relations on the odd chance that they have tons of advertising stuff sitting around that they could send us to use to create a Google-esque environment for our presentation. I thought pencils or silly hats would be good to use as prizes if we play a game. It's a long shot, but it would be really cool if they came through! That's my A-level contribution as a substitute for making a google cake. I'll let you know if I hear back.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Interesting Article...
Check this could help in the discussion of alternatives/competitors...
We is done foolz...
Since the creation of the movement of information via the World Wide Web the ability to find it has been among one of the most important add-ons to making information available. In recent years many companies have undertaken the charge of compiling and creating what we now call search engines. These figurative locomotives were used solely to bring information from point “A” to point “B”, nothing more and nothing less. With the recent push to corner the market many of these search engines began to offer much more than just a way to harvest information. One such search engine which has now cornered the market is Google. Since its conception, Google has worked continuously to offer every imaginable service to people so that they have no need to go anywhere else. Are these monopolistic practices or just trying to make things easier? In order to answer these questions, we will be looking into the following aspects of Google:
Theme #1: History
We want to research the origin of Google, ranging from how it came about to its original purpose. Also, we want to create a timeline of events of Google’s history to see its progression over time and how time has affected its power.
Theme #2: Google Labs
As part of our research, we want to become familiar with the Google labs feature like what the purpose of using it is and then assess its contribution to Google’s overall success.
Theme #3: Conspiracy Theories
There are a lot of people who are concerned with the amount of information knows about its users. We want to research the different conspiracy theories out there, including those that are profound and just plausible ones. The theories that we want to further look into are Daniel Brandt, The Ghost in the Machine, Minority Report Ad Invasion, Government informant, Big Brother, and Double Click.
Theme #4: Alternatives/Competitors
When looking at Google’s dominating presence in the world today, it’s interesting to think about what people used before using Google and how those competitors are holding up today. What currently separates Google from its competitors is its far reach into industries and markets that expand beyond Google's original purpose as a search engine, so is there really any hope for its competitors?
The Power Google has and will maintain comes solely from the consumer. This being the case, Google needs to a) continue to appeal to the human population or b) the human population needs to find an alternative to Google. The power aspect will tie all the themes together in order to decipher whether or not Google is truly evil or awesome.
Project Schedule
10/2/07: Email or Blog Initial Research by 5pm
10/10/07: Research on History, Google Labs, Conspiracy Theories, Microsoft, and Alternatives needs to be completed. Email to Manager and Marc.
10/17/07: Google Power Aspect Needs to be Emailed (All research/analysis should be completed at this time). Begin putting it together
We’re giving each person a week to do his or her part so that the person who needs their work can have a week to get his or her work done. Our presentation date is October 29th!
Individual Roles/Responsibilities
Jesse: Google History
Amanda: Google Labs, Conspiracy Theories
Trevor: Google following Microsoft's Footsteps as a Monopoly
Brandon: Alternatives/Competitors
Marc: Power -- Analyzing the aspects above and putting it all together.
Michael: Creative Lead
Neha: Project Manager
Opening PaRaGrApH!
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Google vs. Competition
"Microsoft, Google May Go Head to Head"
"Google vs. Everyone"
"How Search Engines Work: Search Engine Relevancy Reviewed"
1) Search: dominant
2) Advertising: leader
3) Video: leader (YouTube)
4) Blogging:
5) Mobile
6) Start Pages
7) Communications
8) Social Networking
9) Photo Sharing
10) Office Suite
Google became a dominating force in search industry with superior
algorithmic code that was designed to retrieve sites based on relevance,
not biased sponsored links. They used that as a foundation to expand
into advertising through keywords and paid per click links. Holding 56%
of the market,it is currently financially strong enough to expand into
other markets and play significant roles there, most notably in the
video market through its acquisition of YouTube for $1.6 billion in
November 2006. Other areas where Google is just now beginning to
develop include Office Suite, Blogging, Start Pages, and much more.
What currently separates Google from its competitors is its far reach
into industries and markets that expand beyond Google's original purpose
as a search engine.
work cited
So is Google too powerful? Google currently owns 50% of its market and that number is on the rise. Part of this power comes from this company's ability to buy out potential competitors. In this way, they are able to use other competitors for their ideas and products and then buy them out. In this way it has become a monopoly. By owning so much of this market, Google can provide the most relevant advertisements alongside search results, drawing more users and cash.
Fawzi, M. (2006). Evolving Trends. Retrieved Oct. 2, 2007, from Evolving Trends, Bay Area, California. Web site:
Moore, J. F. (1999). CNN Money. Retrieved Oct. 2, 2007, from CNN Money, Redmond, Washington. Web site:
Google following Mircrosoft's Footsteps as a Monopoly. Prospectus
In Microsoft's monopoly court hearings in 1999, it was deemed that the company was using its huge market share to push out and eliminate the competition. At the time of the CNN Money article, Microsoft was on ninety-percent of desktops. Google has control of fifty percent of its market, but it has similar practices of using its large user bases to move into other markets. For example, one company beat Google to the punch about a collaborative spreadsheet application, so Google buys their competitor and puts out a similar product. The smaller company can not compete with Google's user base. For now, Google has a few competitors like Yahoo and Microsoft but its market share is growing rapidly.
P.S.- I want to address the question of the fine line between monopoly and just being the best at what you do. Again, let me know if I need to add anything.
remember to post or email me your ideas/research by 5pm TODAY!
my email address is:
Monday, October 1, 2007
Google history for prospectus
Google originated from a research project in 1996 by PhD. students at Stanford University. The goal was to create a web-based search engine that returned better results than other searh engines of the time. The project succeeded and by 2000 Google was addressing 18 million search queries a day, making it the largest search engine on the web. Today Google is still the leader in search engine marketing and has expanding their empire to include a verity of other products and services.
Thoughts on Google...
Let me just start off this posting with an interesting fact...Google has recently celebrated it's 9th birthday so happy belated birthday google! :)
alright, now on to the project...
Before we can delve into the world of google, we will be providing its history--ranging from its creators to the time span. As of now, our group is going to look at both the evil and awesome aspects of google. As part of our evil analysis, there will be research done on google's relationship with microsoft...perhaps even discussing its monopolistic properties. We will also be looking into the various conspiracy theories surrounding google and whether they have any validity. Basically, the main focus of our project is google's POWER. Where does this power stem from? What does google have? What could they potentially do with this power? etc. To show the positive aspect of google, we will be doing some in-depth research on the various google labs that help people do things in today's society.
ahhhh it's getting intense...
Reminder to Group Google: Prospectus is due on Wednesday...***